I’m Afraid I Don’t Know My Fiancé Very Well?

Well, you have bought the dress, ordered the flowers, and paid for the tuxedos, this should be the happiest time in your life. Something is wrong, and it is hard to explain.

The Bride To Be:

“When we were dating everything seemed good, but now that we have moved in together, I’m learning things about you that I didn’t realize before. Sometimes  I wonder if we really know each other.  I notice that when you are angry, you become physically intimidating.  I notice that when you are mad at me that you give me the silent treatment for a week. I try to talk to you but that just seems to make you more angry. I heard you talking to your mother the other day about our problems, but you won’t talk to me. Lately, you are spending more time with your friends then you spend with me.”

The Groom To Be:

“When I come home I’m tired and you seem to want to talk. When I want sex, you don’t want to be bothered. When your parents come for a visit, you push me to the side and the three of you plan our wedding, without any input from me. I  try to talk to you but you just get sad, cry, or you over-talk me. Lately, I have been talking to a co-worker, because I feel like I don’t have anyone else to talk to. We are supposed to get married in two months, but I have doubts, as it seems that we don’t really know a lot about each other and now those differences are starting to appear.”

Here are ten signs that you may not REALLY know your fiancé

  1. If you have not known and dated your fiancé for at least a year  and a half. Meaning you dated for a year before accepting a proposal
  2. If you have not discussed important issues like money, sex, religion, etc.
  3. If you have not seen all aspects of his or her personality (range of emotion) sadness, anger etc.
  4. If you have not figured out how to have a PRODUCTIVE argument/conflict
  5. If you have not met all immediate and important family and friends
  6. If you have not discussed whether or not you want to have children
  7. If you have negative feelings toward your fiancé’s friends or family that you have not discussed or resolved
  8. If you have NOT discussed prior sexual and medical history (disorders, diseases etc.)
  9. If you don’t trust or have concern about your fiancé’s character
  10. If you and your fiancé live in different states and have dated and established a relationship LONG distance

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