Are You Marriage Worthy……..

Are you worthy of marriage? Are you dating and thinking about getting engaged? How do you know if you are worthy of marriage? Do you know why you want to get married? Before marriage takes place, you have to be sure you are worthy of the title of Husband or Wife, so how does one know if they are worthy of marriage? Hopefully this will help you figure out if you are worthy:

  1. You are worthy of marriage if you are socially and emotionally mature.
  2. You are worthy of marriage if you are single (not engaged, NOT SEPARATED, and not a SERIAL SPOUSE (multiple failed marriages).
  3. You are worthy of marriage if you are financially secure.
  4. You are worthy of marriage if you are able to leave your family and cleave to your potential spouse.
  5. You are worthy of marriage if you are mature enough to commit, putting selfishness aside and understand the purpose of marriage.
  6. You are worthy of marriage if you know that God has to be the head of the relationship.
  7. You are worthy of marriage if you can problem solve, handle conflict, and listen.
  8. You are worthy of marriage if you RESPECT THE UNION OF MARRIAGE.
  9. You are worthy of marriage if you know how to create BOUNDARIES to keep others out of your relationship.
  10. You are worthy of marriage if you are able to spend the rest of your life giving the other person the advantage, so that their needs are fulfilled.